- 環境応用化学科TOP
- 研究室・教員紹介
- 加藤研究室
- Z. Kato, R. Kashima, K. Tatsumi, S. Fukuyama, K. Izumiya, N. Kumagai, and K. Hashimoto, Appl. Surf. Sci. 388 (2016) pp640-644.
- Zenta Kato, Masaki Sato, Yusuke Sasaki, Koichi Izumiya, Naokazu Kumagai and Koji Hashimoto, Electrochemical characterization of degradation of oxygen evolution anode for seawater electrolysis, Electrochim. Acta, 116(2014)152-157.
- Z. Kato, J. Bhattarai, K. Izumiya, N. Kumagai, K. Hashimoto, Durability enhancement and degradation of oxygen evolution anodes in seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production, Appl. Surf. Sci. , 257 (2011) 8230-8236.
- Z. Kato, K. Izumiya, N. Kumagai and K. Hashimoto, Energy-saving seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production, J Solid State Electrochem. , 13 [2](2009)219-224.
- Z. Kato, N. Kumagai,and K. Hashimoto, Sn-P alloy for Rapid and Stable production of Tin solution for tin plating, Ecs transactions,1(4) (2006)525-532.
- Z. Kato, N. Kumagai, K. Asami, and K. Hashimoto, The effect of tungsten addition to the intermediate IrO2 layer of MnMoO–/IrO2/Ti electrodes on the performance for oxygen evolution in seawater electrolysis, Ecs transactions,1(4) (2006)499-507.
- Z. Kato, M. Sakairi, H. Takahashi, Fabrication of Grooves on Aluminum Surface with Atomic Force Microscope Probe Processing, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 148 (12) (2001)C790-C798.
東北工業大学 工学部 環境応用化学科 加藤研究室
E-mail: zenta721@tohtech.ac.jp