- 環境応用化学科TOP
- 研究室・教員紹介
- 丸尾研究室
- カーボン・ニュートラル時代のセンシング技術:多孔体を用いた窒素酸化物センサー窒素から脱炭素を考えるー,丸尾容子,浅沼光吾,セラミックス,p.789-792,日本セラミックス協会(2022年12月1日).
- 超スマート社会の多彩な魅力:ナノ多孔体分析チップを用いた呼気分析による健康管理,渡部聡大,伊藤幸大,丸尾容子,化学工業,p.809-813,化学工業社(2021年12月1日).
- においのセンシング、分析とその可視化、数値化:第5章第6節多孔質ガラスセンサを用いた生体ガスの超高感度センシング, 丸尾容子,伊藤幸大,河村直人,449-457(2020)ISBN978-4-86104-810-4 C3058,(株)技術情報協会
- 高感度ガスセンサの新展開:比色多孔質ガラスセンサを用いた呼気ガス成分の超高感度分析,丸尾容子,浅沼光吾,ファインケミカル,p.32-38,シーエムシー出版(2020年9月15日).
- Chemical, Gas and Biosensors for Internet of Things and Related Applications, Y. Y. Maruo, chapter21,Air pollution monitoring network of PM2.5, NO2 and radiation of 137Cs, 323-338(2019) ISBN 978-0-12-815409-0, Elsevier.
- Formaldehyde: Chemistry, Applications and Role in Polymerization; chapter5, Indoor air monitoring using newly developed formaldehyde sensor element and portable monitoring device, Y. Y. Maruo, 165-184(2012) ISBN 978-1-62257-2144 , Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
- Air quality; Development of Real-Time Sensing Network and Simulation on Air Pollution and Transport, Y. Y. Maruo and A. Sugiyama 47-70(2012), ISBN 979-953-307-781-8, In Tech.
- Ozone and Ozone Depletion: Sources, Environmental Impact and Health; Colorimetric ozone sensing paper and ozone monitoring, Y. Y. Maruo, 141-156(2012), ISBN: 978-1-62257-613-5Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
- 先進化学センサ ナノ孔ガラスを用いた大気環境物質の高感度検出 p.150-155(2008), 内山政弘,丸尾容子, 株式会社ティー・アイ・シィー.
- 電子情報通信学会「ハンドブック/知識ベース」(インターネット版)S4群4編: 3章 3.2 環境センシング 丸尾容子(2009) オーム社.
- Base Hydrolysis of chlorobis(B-diketonato)oxotechnetium(V) Complexes, K. Yoshihara, Y. Y. Maruo, T. Omori, and M. K. Azuma, Technetium and Rhenium in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine 3, 125-130(1989).
- 健康管理を目指した生体ガス分析用チップの研究、丸尾容子,クリーンテクノロジー, 32(5), 71(2022).
- 用語解説:オゾン、丸尾容子,室内環境, 24, 186(2021).
- 東日本大震災から7年経過時の仮設住宅入居者の状況、丸尾容子,室内環境, 22, 65-72(2019).
- 室内環境における窒素酸化物の現状と多孔質ガラス分析チップを用いた測定法,丸尾容子,鈴木義史,浅沼光吾,室内環境, 21, 121-128(2018).
- 髙橋晴樹,島貫海聖,板橋はな,村松友翔,佐々木葵,瀧川彩斗,外崎日菜香,伊藤民子,丸尾容子,多孔質ガラス分析チップを用いた仙台市及びその周辺の一般住宅における室内ホルムアルデヒド濃度の測定,室内環境 27(3), 217-227(2024).
- Y. Y. Maruo, N. Kawamura, N. Abe, Development of an analytical chip for colorimetric detection of medium-chain aldehydes by reaction with pararosaniline in porous glass, Talanta 257, 124382(2023).
- M. Tujiguchi, Y. Kii, T. Aitoku, M. Iwao, Y. Y. Maruo, Nonanal gas sensors using porous glass as a reaction field for ammonia-catalyzed aldol condensation, ACS Omega 8, 7874-7882(2023).
- A. Kohno, K. Kato, T. Komatsu, Y. Y. Maruo, Synthesis, characterization, and photoreduction performance evaluation of gold/titanium oxide/calcium carbonate photocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction, SN Applied Science 4, 271(2022).
- 浅沼光吾、福島渚亜、丸尾容子、多孔質ガラスNOx分析チップを用いた生体ガス中一酸化窒素の測定、安定同位体と生体ガス 13, 23-31(2022).
- 浅沼光吾、山﨑星河、丸尾容子、オゾン検知紙及び多孔質ガラス分析チップを用いた空気脱臭器より発生するオゾン及び窒素酸化物の測定,室内環境,24, 97-106(2021).
- 1. M. Tsujiguchi, T. Aitoku, H. Takase, Y. Y. Maruo, Nonanal sensor fabrication using aldol condensation reaction inside alkali-resistance porous glass, IEEE Sensors Jurnal, DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3055264(2021).
- K. Asanuma, K. Numata, Y. Y. Maruo, A colorimetric method for the measurement of ppb-level NO in exhaled air using porous glass analytical chips, Sensor and Actuators Reports, 2(2020)100019.
- K. Ito, N. Kawamura, Y. Suzuki, Y. Y. Maruo, Colorimetric detection of gaseous acetone based on a reaction between acetone and 4-nitrophenylhydrazine in porous glass, Microchemical Journal, 159, (2020)105428.
- 鈴木義史、浅沼光吾、橘謙太、丸尾容子,多孔質ガラス分析チップを用いた仙台市の一般住宅における室内二酸化窒素濃度の測定,室内環境,22, 277-287(2019).
- 岡澤宏樹,鈴木明日也,丸尾容子,Point-of-careにて測定可能な尿中ホルムアルデヒド濃度測定法に関する基礎的検討,安定同位体と生体ガス医学応用,11,43-49(2019).
- K. Asanuma, S. Hino, Y. Y. Maruo, Development of an analytical chip for nitrogen monoxide detection using porous glass impregnated with 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-3-oxide-1-oxyl, Microchemical Journal, 151, (2019)104251.
- Y. Y. Maruo, T. Kondoh, Y. Nakagawa, Effects of pH on Au-deposited TiO2 for catalytic photoreduction of CO2 with H2O, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A8, 209-221(2018).
- T. Kondoh, Y. Y. Maruo, A. Sato, Influence of mid-infrared laser irradiation conditions on CO2 photoreduction performance of Au/TiO2 catalyst, Proceedings of the 7th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan, August 5-10, P3101(2018).
- Y. Y. Maruo, K. Tachibana, Y. Suzuki, K. Shinomi, Development of an analytical chip for detecting acetone using a reaction between acetone and 2,4-dinitrophenylhidrazine in a porous glass, Microchemical Journal, 141, 377-381(2018).
- K. Izumi, M. Uchiyama, Y. Y. Maruo, A porous glass-based KI/a-CD for ozone sensing: Improvement in the humidity response of the chip through optimizing reagent concentrations in the impregnation process, Sensors and Actuators B 268, 1-6(2018).
- K. Izumi, M. Uchiyama, Y. Y. Maruo, A porous glass-based ozone sensing chip impregnated with potassiumiodide and α-cyclodextrin, Sensors and Actuators B:, 241, 116 – 122(2017).
- 鈴木義史、橘謙太、丸尾容子、柳沼優、菊地蓮、中野智保,仙台市の家庭における冬季二酸化窒素濃度の調査,Indoor Environment 19, 121-130(2016).
- S. Hino, Y. Suzuki, Y. Y. Maruo, Development of Nitrogen Monoxide Sensing Element Using 2-Phenyl-4, 4, 5, 5-Tetramethylimidazoline-3-Oxide-1-Oxyl Impregnated Porous Glass, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. on Nanotechnology, Sendai, Japan, August 22-25, 202-205(2016).
- K. Tachibana, M. Yamanoto, Y. Y. Maruo, Development of An Acetone Detection Method Using 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine Impregnated Porous Glass, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. on Nanotechnology, Sendai, Japan, August 22-25, 196-198(2016).
- Y. Y. Maruo, M. Sasaki, S. Hino, A. Sato, Effect of TiO2 Crystal Structure on CO2 Photoreduction Using Au Nanoparticles on TiO2 Catalyst, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. on Nanotechnology, Sendai, Japan, August 22-25, 559-562(2016).
- 日野慎司、斉藤史弥、鈴木義史、丸尾容子,比色センサを用いたヒト皮膚より放散されるNO2測定方法の検討,環境化学 26, 123-129(2016).
- 石川諒、丸尾容子、小林啓二、寺前裕之、ルチジン誘導体生成の反応機構に関する理論的研究、J. Comput. Chem. Jpn, 14(2), 30-35(2015).
- H. Teramae, Y. Y. Maruo, Theoretical study on the structures of ethanolamine and its water complexes using the Hamiltonian algorithm, AIP conference Proceedings, 1702, 090041(2015).
- K. Izumi, M. Uchiyama, Y. Y. Maruo, Colorimetric NOx sensor based on a porous glass-based NO2 sensing chip and a permanganate oxidizer, Sensors and Actuators B 216, 128-133(2015).
- Y. Kawakami, Y. Y. Maruo, T. Nakagawa, H. Saito, A screening method for detecting formaldehyde emitted from textile products, Measurement 62, 41-46(2015).
- Y. Y. Maruo, Development of solid-state colorimetric sensor elements and a monitoring device using porous glass substrate, Chemical Sensors 30, 104-113(2014).
- T. Tanaka, E. Tabata, T. Nakagaki, M. Mizunuma, and Y. Y. Maruo, Numerical Analysis for CO2 Absorption and Regeneration Behavior in Porous Solid Sorbent by Modified Unreacted Core Model, J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 47, 561-568(2014).
- Y. Y. Maruo and T. Maruno, Tetrathiafulvalene – tetracyanoquinodimethane thin films grown by physical vapor deposition: Influence of substrate structures and substrate materials, Thin Solid Films 554, 141-147 (2014).
- H. Teramae, Y. Y. Maruo and J. Nakamura, Theoretical study on the reaction mechanism of formation of lutidine derivatives-unexpected FLUORAL-P compounds, IEICE Trans. Electron., E96-C, 383-384(2013).
- H. Teramae and Y. Y. Maruo, Theoretical study on the reaction mechanism of formation of 3,5-diacethyl-1,4-dihydrolutidine, Int. J. Quantum Chemistry 113, 393-396(2013).
- Y. Y. Maruo, T. Yamada and M. Tsuda, Reactivity of CO2 and H2O on TiO2 Catalysts Studied by Gas Phase FT-IR Method and Deactivation Mechanism, J. of Physics 379, 012036(2012) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/379/1/012036.
- Y. Ono, M. Tsuda, Y. Y. Maruo and J. Nakamura, Kinetic study of CO2 photoreduction on Re complexes, J. of Physics 379, 012037(2012) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/379/1/012037.
- Y. Y. Maruo, M. Nakamura, Y. Higashijima, Y. Kikuya and M. Nakamura, Development of highly sensitive nitrogen dioxide monitoring device and its application to wide-area ubiquitous network, Sensors and Actuators B 173, 191-196(2012).
- 丸尾容子,染村庸, 繊維製品から発せられるホルムアルデヒドのスクリーニング方法の研究, 環境化学 22, 47-52(2012).
- Y. Y. Maruo and J. Nakamura,Portable formaldehyde monitoring device using porous glass sensor and its applications in indoor air quality studies, Ana. Chim. Acta 702, 247-253 (2011).
- H. Teramae, Y. Y. Maruo and J. Nakamura, Theoretical study on ground and excited states of 3,5-diacetyl-1,4-dihydrolutidine, Int. J. Chem. Model. 4 (2011) article4.
- 丸尾容子,中村二朗,新たに開発した小型ホルムアルデヒドモニタリング装置を用いた室内空気モニタリング,室内環境学会誌, 13,163-172(2010).
- Y. Y. Maruo, T. Yamada, J. Nakamura, K. Izumi and M. Uchiyama, Formaldehyde measurements in residential indoor air using a developed sensor element in the Kanto area of Japan, Indoor Air 20,486-493(2010).
- Y. Y. Maruo, K. Akaoka, J. Nakamura, Development and performance evaluation of ozone detection paper using azo dye orange I: Effect of pH, Sensors and Actuators B143, 487-493(2010).
- T. Miwa, Y. Y. Maruo, K. Akaoka, T. Kunioka, J. Nakamura, Development of colorimetric ozone detection papers with high UV Resistance using UV absorbers, Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association, 59,801-808(2009).
- Y. Y. Maruo, T. Kunioka, K. Akaoka, J. Nakamura, Development and evaluation of ozone detection paper, Sensors and Actuators B135, 575-580(2009).
- 丸尾容子,中村二朗,山田巧,徳満知,泉克幸,内山政弘, β?ジケトン検知素子を用いた室内および家具内のホルムアルデヒド測定, 環境化学 18,501-509(2008).
- Y. Y. Maruo, J. Nakamura, M. Uchiyama, M. Higuchi, K. Izumi, Development of formaldehyde sensing element using porous glass impregnated with schiff”s reagent, Sensors and Actuators B126, 544-550(2008).
- Y. Y. Maruo, J. Nakamura, M. Uchiyama, Development of formaldehyde sensing element using porous glass impregnated with ?-diketone, Talanta 74,1141-1147(2008).
- 丸尾容子,中村二朗,内山政弘, 多孔質ガラスとβ-ジケトン類を用いたホルムアルデヒド検出素子の開発,環境化学 17,413-419(2007).
- Y. Y. Maruo, Measurement of ambient ozone using newly developed porous glass sensor, Sensors and Actuators B126, 485-491(2007).
- M. Uchiyama, T. Fukuyama, Y. Y. Maruo, T. Ichino, K. Izumi, H. Hara, K. Takano, H. Suzuki, M. Aoki, Formation and deposition of ozone in a red pine forest, Water Air and Soil Pollution 151,53-70(2004).
- Y. Y. Maruo, S. Ogawa, T. Ichino, N. Murao, and M. Uchiyama, Measurement of local variations in atmospheric nitrogen dioxide levels in Sapporo, Japan, using a new method with high spatial and high temporal resolution, Atmospheric Environment 37,1065-1074(2003).
- 丸尾容子,阪田晴三,古保静夫,間山秀信, 蓄積型センサを用いた二酸化窒素濃度測定装置の開発および盛岡近郊における二酸化窒素濃度変動の測定,大気環境学会誌 37,374-386(2002).
- Y. Ueno, K. Ajito, Y. Y. Maruo, Study of reactor-NO2-gas diffusion in a porous glass chip by near-infrared Raman spectroscopy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4,2341-2345(2002).
- J. Kobayashi, T. Ishii, Y. Maruo, T. Tamamura, Refractive index control of polyimide by synchrotron radiation and the application to fabrication of a waveguide grating, Electronics and communications in Japan part II electronics 85,59-66(2002).
- 丸尾容子,小川重男,高感度二酸化窒素センサを用いた環境モニタリングシステム, NTT R&D 51,366-371(2002).
- Y. Ueno, K. Ajito, Y. Y. Maruo, O. Niwa, K. Torimitsu, T. Ichino, Near-infrared Raman spectra of azo dye produced by a nitrogen-dioxide-gas-selective coloration reaction in a porous glass chip, Appl. Spectro., 55,1151-1154(2001).
- T. Ohyama, Y. Y. Maruo, T. Tanaka, and T. Hayashi, A ppb-level NO2 detection system using coloration reactions in porous glass and its humidity dependence, Sensors and Actuators B64, 142-146(2000).
- R. KATO, K. ASANUMA, Y. Y. MARUO, H. MIYOSHI, T. MARUNO, Development of a solid-state scintillator using a porous glass for detecting tritium in water, 東北工業大学紀要42, 13-21(2022).
- 丸尾容子、岡澤宏樹、佐藤友紀、石垣陽、佐藤雅俊,尿より蒸散するホルムアルデヒドを検知する分析チップの画像解析についての研究,東北工業大学地域連携センター・研究支援センター紀要,32,39−44(2020).
- 丸尾容子、澤石諒、金子善明、石垣陽、松本佳宜、佐藤雅俊,小型大気計測センサを用いた仙台港周辺での環境測定,東北工業大学地域連携センター紀要,31,17−24(2019).
- 丸尾容子、川口大樹,仙台八木山局所域における地表レベルオゾンと二酸化窒素濃度の空間分析,東北工業大学紀要I,35, 1-9(2015).
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・Journal of Sensors
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東北工業大学 工学部 環境応用化学科 丸尾研究室
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